Doc Pepe's Lab


80% ethanol by vol.


On March 18th of 2020, all American distilleries were called to into action to produce hand sanitizer if they were so able in order to cope with the historic demand brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Our craft hand sanitizer is 80% ethanol by volume, which is the maximum allowable amount in a hand sanitizer product.


We use only high strength denatured ethanol, which won't irritate skin compared to products made with isopropyl alcohol.


Our sanitizer is infused with locally grown aloe vera, which is prepared into a gel by hand at Doc Pepe's Lab.


The product also features the addition of lavender and tea tree essential oils. Lavender oil is very gentle and nourishing to the skin, and has a soothing aroma, while tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties to keep the skin protected.


Until December 31st, we are able to produce and sell hand sanitizer without the need for formula or labeling approval in true Prohibition Era style.

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Doc Pepe's Lab™ Barrel-Finished Cocktails,

Doc Pepe's Lab™ Cuvee Reserve Barrel™, 28-38% Alc./Vol.

©2019 Doc Pepe's Lab, LLC. Monterey, CA.



Open. Pour. Stir. Enjoy.™
Open. Pour. Stir. Enjoy.™
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Doc Pepe's Lab


80% ethanol by vol.


On March 18th of 2020, all American distilleries were called to into action to produce hand sanitizer if they were so able in order to cope with the historic demand brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Our craft hand sanitizer is 80% ethanol by volume, which is the maximum allowable amount in a hand sanitizer product.


We use only high strength denatured ethanol, which won't irritate skin compared to products made with isopropyl alcohol.


Our sanitizer is infused with locally grown aloe vera, which is prepared into a gel by hand at Doc Pepe's Lab.


The product also features the addition of lavender and tea tree essential oils. Lavender oil is very gentle and nourishing to the skin, and has a soothing aroma, while tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties to keep the skin protected.


Until December 31st, we are able to produce and sell hand sanitizer without the need for formula or labeling approval in true Prohibition Era style.

Doc Pepe's Lab


80% ethanol by vol.


On March 18th of 2020, all American distilleries were called to into action to produce hand sanitizer if they were so able in order to cope with the historic demand brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Our craft hand sanitizer is 80% ethanol by volume, which is the maximum allowable amount in a hand sanitizer product.


We use only high strength denatured ethanol, which won't irritate skin compared to products made with isopropyl alcohol.


Our sanitizer is infused with locally grown aloe vera, which is prepared into a gel by hand at Doc Pepe's Lab.


The product also features the addition of lavender and tea tree essential oils. Lavender oil is very gentle and nourishing to the skin, and has a soothing aroma, while tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties to keep the skin protected.


Until December31st, we are able to produce and sell hand sanitizer without the need for formula or labeling approval in true Prohibition Era style.

Doc Pepe's Lab


80% ethanol by vol.


On March 18th of 2020, all American distilleries were called to into action to produce hand sanitizer if they were so able in order to cope with the historic demand brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Our craft hand sanitizer is 80% ethanol by volume, which is the maximum allowable amount in a hand sanitizer product.


We use only high strength denatured ethanol, which won't irritate skin compared to products made with isopropyl alcohol.


Our sanitizer is infused with locally grown aloe vera, which is prepared into a gel by hand at Doc Pepe's Lab.


The product also features the addition of lavender and tea tree essential oils. Lavender oil is very gentle and nourishing to the skin, and has a soothing aroma, while tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties to keep the skin protected.


Until December 31st, we are able to produce and sell hand sanitizer without the need for formula or labeling approval in true Prohibition Era style.

Open. Pour. Stir. Enjoy.™

Doc Pepe's Lab


80% ethanol by vol.


On March 18th of 2020, all American distilleries were called to into action to produce hand sanitizer if they were so able in order to cope with the historic demand brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Our craft hand sanitizer is 80% ethanol by volume, which is the maximum allowable amount in a hand sanitizer product.


We use only high strength denatured ethanol, which won't irritate skin compared to products made with isopropyl alcohol.


Our sanitizer is infused with locally grown aloe vera, which is prepared into a gel by hand at Doc Pepe's Lab.


The product also features the addition of lavender and tea tree essential oils. Lavender oil is very gentle and nourishing to the skin, and has a soothing aroma, while tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties to keep the skin protected.


Until December 31st, we are able to produce and sell hand sanitizer without the need for formula or labeling approval in true Prohibition Era style.

Open. Pour. Stir. Enjoy.™

Doc Pepe's Lab


80% ethanol by vol.

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On March 18th of 2020, all American distilleries were called to into action to produce hand sanitizer if they were so able in order to cope with the historic demand brought on by the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Our craft hand sanitizer is 80% ethanol by volume, which is the maximum allowable amount in a hand sanitizer product.


We use only high strength denatured ethanol, which won't irritate skin compared to products made with isopropyl alcohol.


Our sanitizer is infused with locally grown aloe vera, which is prepared into a gel by hand at Doc Pepe's Lab.


The product also features the addition of lavender and tea tree essential oils. Lavender oil is very gentle and nourishing to the skin, and has a soothing aroma, while tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties to keep the skin protected.


Until December 31st, we are able to produce and sell hand sanitizer without the need for formula or labeling approval in true Prohibition Era style.

Open. Pour. Stir. Enjoy.™